(Finished, Thank you!)
What we’re Doing
This current situation has thrown much of what we have taken for granted up in the air, some people are being compelled to stay on their own while others are being placed under unbelievable stress. It is for this reason that St Bees Triers have chosen to raise money for Mind in our latest charity event “Triers Lockdown Pebble Dash”!
As we are unable to meet up, let alone stay together for 24hrs, this years challenge will follow a different format than previously. The objective is to see how far we can transport a number of pebbles during our allowed exercise each day, leaving them so they can be carried by others through out the day. Each pebble will be named for one of the groups of Key Workers currently working to keep us all healthy, safe and fed.
The Pebbles have been painted by the very talented Abigail Hill.
How to Participate
The location of the pebbles will be publicised on the Triers Facebook Group using What Three Words, Phil Blaylock has created a guide for people who are unfamiliar with W3W. We ask that when you are planning on collecting a pebble please post on Facebook so that two people don’t try to reach the same one, once you’ve posted you’ll have 24hrs to get the pebble and move it on. Once you’ve been for a run please publicise the new location of the pebble on Facebook as well, with a photo as well, using #pebbledashSBT!
We want to get these pebbles to travel as far as possible! We would like to use Strava to figure out how far each pebble has gone and stitch the whole journey of each pebble together, as we don’t want to place stones on peoples doorsteps the whole distance run will count for the pebble regardless of how far the pebble actually travelled. We will us the existing St Bees Triers Strava Club (https://www.strava.com/clubs/St_Bees_Triers) please add something in the title of the run so we can find them!
So that people who are not in St Bees are able to participate some of the stones will be transported (by push bike) to locations outside the village that hopefully others will be able to get to. If anyone has any preference to where pebbles are transported to please let us know.
To raise money we would ask for a donation to take part, a Just Giving page has been set up for this event (https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/st-bees-trierslockdownpebbledash).
Please ensure that you comply with the latest Government advice on social distancing and time spent outside while participating.
The event will continue until we are able to hold training sessions again.
It’s going to be Epic!